Faith and Mental Health – Why coaching or therapy is important

The relationship between Christianity and mental health is a complex one. A person’s internal narrative or belief system is an impactful way to cope with life’s challenges.
For many people belief in a higher power is essential to a person’s mental health and overall well-being. Having a strong relationship and commitment to Christ does not mean one cannot benefit from Christian coaching or traditional therapy with a Christian foundation.
Having a nonjudgmental thought partner can be pivotal to moving through life’s challenges.
In my practice, I often work with people who have a religious faith but not a relationship with God. Not everyone has someone they can talk to, without judgement, that will help them create a blueprint to find resolve for their problems.
It is one thing to use our faith to cope with the pain and challenges of life. However our faith in God does not absolve us of our human responsibility. I have learned from many clients that they feel guilty when they are told to only rely solely on God, until they allow God into the process of coaching or therapy. “God made doctors and He made therapists too,” one person commented.
Again, as Christians, praying to Our Father does not absolve us from human responsibility. That’s worth saying again. Yes, pray and wait on God’s will; but while you wait, what are you willing to do to improve areas in need of change?
Only God knows the future. We don’t know His exact intentions for us, but we can be active participants in His plan. In working with a Christian based therapist or Christian based coach, people can learn sustainable coping tools and strategies to change their lives significantly. A Christian based coach or therapist can provide perspectives that support a client in their empowerment and growth, while working from biblical principles.
The guilt factor:
When people are struggling with depression, unhealthy relationships, anxiety or compulsions for example, they can feel completely alone, unworthy of God’s love. They find it difficult to reconnect with God because deep down they don’t believe they deserve His presence in their life.
I not only show people how to invite God back into their lives; I help my clients build their self-esteem and find their value so they can reconnect with God.
If you are struggling, feel stuck and would like to explore your options, because make no mistake, you have options; please reach out to me. I work with people of the Christian faith and respect your beliefs. My focus is to help you find your way back and live the life He intended for you.
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